Directory Content Policy
- Entries are listed if a public reference, preferrably a URL on the solution provider’s web site, is available.
- Solution providers who interacted at the ISC West OSDP Interop events are also listed.
- PACS vendors get an entry if you can indeed activate OSDP through their product. Note this means ODM devices and their implementations may exist within more than one of these entries.
- If a vendor has separate PD and ACU implementations they get separate entries (it’s about how many implementations not what they connect it to.)
- If a vendor sells distinct OSDP products that can be used with other systems (not just their own PACS) then they get separate entries.
- Descriptions are intentionally terse. This is only meant as a list of known implementations.
- The URL used may or may not be spot-on for the solution provider’s product description. Take it only as a hint.
- Email us at if you find an error or omission.